A Great Feast of Languages

  • 2016

A Great Feast of Languages is a year-long international focus on translating Shakespeare for performance. It will involve a series of up to eight translation workshop programmes and a chain of public panel discussions between British and international translators, writers, academics and practitioners. 

Developed in partnership with Shakespeare’s Globe, the British Centre for Literary Translation and Writers' Centre Norwich, A Great Feast of Languages will be centred around five-day translation workshops bringing together translators, writers, actors, directors and academics to explore the challenges and complexities of translating Shakespeare’s plays and poetry. 

All the workshops will examine a number of key Shakespeare texts, along with a Shakespearean text of local relevance. 

Translating for performance is at the heart of this project. In each country, local actors will play a key role in the workshops advising on the playability of new translations and the discussion will be enhanced by specially made video recordings of actors from Shakespeare’s Globe.

Alongside the workshops there will also be public panel discussions around key cultural and societal themes raised by translation and adaptation of Shakespeare’s writing. Online and through social media as the conference travels the world, participants will be able to share in the international discussion about the extraordinary international reach of Shakespeare's work. 


Sharing Session - Singapore


Singapore, 29 September - 2 October 2016 

Chinese and Malay translators come together in Singapore to take up the baton on Shakespeare translation this year. They are blogging about the process.

Read the blogs


Translating Shakespeare into Chinese

Translating Shakespeare into Malay



For more details see the page on our local country site


Germany, 4 - 8 June 2016

German, Polish and Romanian translators worked intensively on texts over 5 days of workshops. Workshop leaders in each language were Michael Raab, (German), Marta Gibińska (Polish) and George Volceanov (Romanian).  Watch the film of the workshop here:


Read the blogs

Translating Shakespeare into Romanian

Translating Shakespeare into German

Translating Shakespeare into Polish



Related blog posts:

Word of the day - translating Shakespeare into Chinese

| by the Chinese group

Chinese translators participating in A Great Feast of Languages - Singapore, our chain translation conferences focusing on Shakespeare, blog about their Word of the Day after translating Hamlet's most famous soliloquy.

Word of the Day - Translating Shakespeare into Romanian

| by Anca Tomus, Alexandru Calin, Andreea Ioana Șerban, Dana Badulescu and George Volceanov

Romanian translators taking part in A Great Feast of Languages workshop in Cologne blog on the most challenging word(s) of the day, when translating texts from Shakespeare's plays.

Word of the Day - Translating Shakespeare into German

| by Jana Mischke and Wiebke Acton; Johanna Ott and Xenia Wierzbicki; Christian Leonhard and Yvonne Jäckel

German translators blog collaboratively on the most challenging word(s) of the day, as they take part in A Great Feast of Languages workshop in Cologne.

See all blog posts