British Council Literature Seminar in Berlin 2017

  • 26-29 January 2017
  • Berlin

The British Council Literature Seminar offers students, academics, publishers, translators, journalists and literature fans from across Europe the chance to hear the latest writing from the UK and engage with the writers and their work at first hand. 

It will bring together an impressive group of contemporary British writers over three days in January for a mixture of readings, discussions and workshops. 


Diverse Voices, New Directions


by Professor Bernardine Evaristo MBE, Chair of the British Council Literature Seminar 2017


British literature continues to be deeply enriched by diverse writers who invigorate its arts and culture; writers whose work forges new imaginative pathways in foregrounding stories and perspectives that otherwise remain untold.

The 32nd British Council Literature Seminar in Germany will discuss the power of this writing to transform the nation's identity. We will discuss the importance of literary voices that express multiple articulations of our contemporary society, excavate the hidden histories of the past, and imagine the future and alternate universes. 




We will ask ourselves about the impulses and influences behind our creative process. What do we choose to write about and why? In what ways do our cultural backgrounds determine our creative output and how do the expectations of audiences, critics and the publishing industry affect our creative choices? 

And we will also examine our role as writers in a society where our perceived minority status might also be the wellspring of our unique creative riches.




Looking to the future, we aim to envision the next stage for this literature. What role is played by both the established presses and the new independents? What is the impact of social media and crowdfunding publishing campaigns? What are the challenges of sustainability and profitability? 

This seminar will bring together an exciting group of British writers whose books are currently in the vanguard of re-formulating and illuminating the contemporary British literature scene.


Participating authors in 2017 


We are delighted to be able to bring together a distinguished group of writers for the 32nd edition of the British Council Literature Seminar.

Participating authors are:

If you can't be there in person you can follow the events of the seminar online on the British Council Germany website or via the hashtag on Twitter #BritLitBerlin