Writers Directory

This database was created to provide a snapshot of contemporary British Literature, offering unique critical perspectives of the work of some of the writers living and working in the UK today. Our website is currently under review and as a result we are not updating the database or adding new entries at this time.  Please check our blog pages for updates on our current Literature programmes. 


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Writers directory

Ardashir Vakil Photo c Tom Miller

Ardashir Vakil was born in Bombay and now lives in London. He was educated at The Doon School in Deh...


Ed Vere photo CURRENT website

Ed Vere writes and illustrates picture books which are published all over the world. The Getaway, wo...


Salley Vickers website

Salley Vickers was born in Liverpool in 1948 and was brought up in Stoke-on-Trent and London. She re...


Charlotte Voake Walker Books website

Charlotte Voake was born in 1957 in Wales, and was brought up in Chepstow and the Wirral. She studie...
